to michelle (psl), the three quaters (bixue, fiona and jie shi), iris, jolyn, charlene and xue fen: *a-bish* tt's for pretending u all forgot my birthday and *hugs* tt's for remembering after all. :D
I'm really really touched by the precious moments musical box present..seriously. Thank you michelle for remembering that i said the box was nice. Hey but u know waht? I won't cry juz because u all gave me such a nice present la cos i dun cry over such things. I only cry over sad things (touching stuff not included so fat hope, u'll c me crying.) haha but i really love u people for doing this for me. especially the singing birthday song part. U all should have warned me before suddenly singing me a birthday song in front of the cls la. Nicole said she could hear it from the toilet...
to sharyn and mel: thnx for the jacket!! it's really really nice haha im touched too!! hmmm but about the supportive friends part... haha i was wondering how it can b so big. :P
MY heart will go on....( from the musical box)